How to Enable Secure Private Domain Name System (DNS) on Android
How to Enable Secure Private Domain Name System (DNS) on Android DNS stands for Domain Name System. In layman language DNS, or the Domain Name System, translates human readable domain names (for example, to machine readable IP address. The DNS makes it easy to remember the web address. Nowadays everything is over the net, so it a good idea to have a secure communication with the DNS. Lets understand what private DNS is on an Android? First things first, lets understand how the DNS function? When we want to visit a specific site, we type in the site name in the address bar of our web browser. The web browser does not know how to connect you with that specific site. Here the DNS comes in action. The bowser asks DNS server which is run by the Internet service Provider (ISP) or the cellular network. The ISP converts site name to an IP address and thus makes the connection between you and your required site. DNS is a directory or phonebook which helps you reach the we...